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Top 5 Ways to Satisfy Your Wife After a Long Night of Fun: Joke Article

How could this be true? Well sit tight friends. As Wikido tells you the secrets to having a good in-bed kinda life. 1. Ignore her for the next 5 hours. Remember my friends, even when she calls your name and taps you on the shoulder, never respond. Responding shows a sign of weakness. 2. Fisticuffs. Believe it or not, a good fight really gets the blood pumping and gets you ready for another night of fun. 3. Poison her. Make her really lolxd with this next tip. Before she takes a sip of her juice box, slip a roofie in it. 4. Tell her you love her, until you eventually divorce. 5. Fuck the ever-living shit outta her . After you have had a long night of fun fighting, poisoning, and love. Just do what you gotta do.

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